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6th Street
From Bloomingpedia
The eastern terminus of 6th is at Indiana Avenue; if 6th were to continue east past Indiana, it would run into Dunn Meadow on the Indiana University campus. The western terminus of 6th street is about 1/2 block past Ritter Street; if 6th were to continue further is would cross the major east-west rail line through Bloomington.
Current Businesses on Sixth Street
- The Bakehouse *
- Bazaar Cafe
- Encore Cafe
- Grazie!
- Janko's Little Zagreb
- Le Petit Cafe
- Neannie's Cafe
- Roots *
- Samira
- Subway (200 N Walnut St) *
- The Runcible Spoon
Resturants with a '*' are adjacent to 6th Street.