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Bloomingpedia:This week's featured article/2007 Week 6

From Bloomingpedia

The Mathers Museum of World Cultures is Indiana University's museum of anthropology, and the only specialized anthropology museum in Indiana. Accredited by the American Association of Museums, the Museum is dedicated to preserving and promoting knowledge of the world’s cultures, past and present.

The Museum's collections consist of over 25,000 objects and 40,000 photographs representing cultures from around the world. Distinctive strengths of the Museum collections include African and Native American cultures, Indiana history, Latin American cultures, and musical instruments from around the world.

The Mathers Museum was formally organized as the Indiana University Museum in 1963, but a forerunner of the institution can be traced back almost a century earlier. In the 1870s the University purchased the cabinets of Dr. David Dale Owen, a former Indiana state geologist. These cabinets, extensive geological collections, were placed with natural history and zoological collections in the Scientific and Law Building on the old campus (now Seminary Square Park).

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