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Bloomingpedia talk:Article Requests

From Bloomingpedia

Use of derogatory words

I've changed the word redneck in the parking garage article request to cruiser. Its actually more specific and I think we should avoid using derogatory words in any article unless absolutely necessary or warranted. It goes beyond just respecting people, it also counts a lot towards welcoming those people to Bloomingpedia. This resource is for everyone and one of the goals of it is to educate the uneducated and provide knowledge about each other so that we can all better understand each other. Using derogatory words, defeats the purpose of understanding each other. On the other hand, I could see there being an article called Redneck with information about how the word is used in Bloomington. That would certainly be appropriate. -- Mark 10:48, 10 October 2006 (EDT)

Well-known Townies

I think this is a great idea for an article. Could this include the Honda-driving, rap-listening guy on Kirkwood and John Mellencamp? What about David Lee Roth?