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Canvas Creative Arts Magazine [1] is a Bloomington, Indiana based literary journal that accepts the best visual and written work from undergraduate and graduate students at all Indiana University campuses. The journal's editor and administrator changes each year.
Canvas print run is over 2,500 copies and is printed bi-anually. The copies are distributed all over the state every semester. Canvas also regularly runs gallery events on the Bloomington campus, at the Indiana Memorial Union near Starbucks and occasionally in the dormitories.
The first issue of Canvas Magazine was published in 1996. It began as a short, black and white newsprint release that was sent out with the Indiana Daily Student, available to IU Bloomington students only. Canvas gradually evolved into a more elaborate, lengthier magazine featuring both art and written work from the Bloomington campus. In the spring of 2007, Canvas became its own Union Board committee and was directed by Alfonso Lerma. Now, Canvas is a full-color, perfect bound, 80-130 page magazine that accepts work from IU students all over the state, and is accompanied by a premiere release event to celebrate each semester's new issue. The latest edition in the evolution of Canvas is the new website, launched in fall 2008.
Recent Contributors
Alexander Weinstein, Justin Carmickle, Laura Goins, Justin T. Chandler, Matthew Belt, Zach Harbison, Maggie Graber, Valerie Leek, Troy Mottard.