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Cindy Gray

From Bloomingpedia

Cindy Gray was the director of the Monroe County Public Library from 2005-2007. Born in Beech Grove, she worked at the Indianapolis-Marion County Public Library before moving to Texas in her early 20's. She came from Greenville, Texas, to Bloomington.

Her parents are Owen County natives and she also has relatives among the earliest settlers of Morgan County.

In 2007 employees of the library attempted to form a union, saying there was a lack of respect and communication from management. Proposed changes to full health benefits offered retirees concerned employees. Unionizing was considered during the brief tenure of Gray's predecessor, Dave Ivey. [1].

On August 31, Gray submitted her resignation, stating in part:

I stand behind the majority of the professional decisions and choices that I have been involved with while at MCPL, as they were always made for the common good and were strictly management decisions, not personal, not meant to intimidate, reward favorites, or the many other allegations that have been thrown around publicly."[2]
