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Edwin Fulwider
"Edwin Fulwider was born in 1913 and grew up in what is now Bloomington’s Prospect Hill neighborhood. After studying at the John Herron School of Art in Indianapolis, Fulwider taught at the Cornish School of Allied Arts in Seattle. He worked alongside many important modern-regionalist painters of the time, including Thomas Hart Benton, while Benton was painting The Indiana Murals for the 1933 Chicago’s World Fair, and Henrik Mayer, Fulwider’s college mentor. In 1939, his painting Dead Head showed at the San Francisco World’s Fair, and, shortly after, the work was published in Life Magazine. He also worked as an instructor, professor, and eventually chairman of the Department of Art at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio."
He died in 2003.
Edwin Fulwider’s Early-1900s Boyhood in Bloomington, ‘A Memoir’ Limestone Post 02/10/2018