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Research Computing Center
The Research Computing Center was Indiana University's computing resource department.
In President Herman Wells' 1953 state of the University speech, he recognized the need for a centralized research computing department. In January 1954, a committee was formed, which proposed a scientific computing center, which resulted in the formation of the RCC.
The first unofficial director of the RCC was Dr. Lynne Merritt of the chemistry department. In 1955, the first appointed director was Marshal Wrubel.
The RCC first rented a Card Programmed Calculator for $14,000 a year, while waiting the 28-month delivery time of its first digital computer. In the fall of 1956, they received an IBM 650, which rented for $31,200 a year and featured a 2000-word drum memory.
In 1981, the RCC was consolidated into BACS.