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Southern Indiana Pipes and Drums

Southern Indiana Pipes and Drums emerged in 2005, as a band of Merry Pipers and Drummers from the scattered corners of Indiana (and beyond). One of the largest bagpipe bands in the region, our active membership includes over 30 individuals ranging in age from pre-teens to over 70 and in experience from fresh beginner to competition grade piper. We are a regimental (military style) band that includes members from Columbus, Bloomington, Hope, North Vernon, and Greensburg Indiana.
The Band performs at a wide variety of functions and events as well as individually and as a custom sized group at private request.
Our members have a wide range of experience and backgrounds and our primary interest is to have fun sharing the music of the Great Highland Bagpipe among ourselves and with others. The band is open to anyone who is genuinely interested in learning and playing bagpipes and drums in a noncompetitive atmosphere.
We welcome new students from age 7 to infinity, for the Great Highland Bagpipes, Snare, Tenor or Bass drum. Students are taught the basics on a practice chanter or drum pad, and will progress onto the full size instruments as skills develop. Instruction is given by pipers and drummers in the band, who have many years of experience.
The SIPD performs at the Columbus Scottish Festival held annually in late summer in Columbus, Indiana as well as at various parades and events around the southern half of the state.
Tunes available in a full band setting include:
- Amazing Grace
- Wings
- Rowan Tree
- Highland Cathedral
- Scotland The Brave
- Minstrel Boy
- Going Home
- Scots Wha Hae
Tunes available in small group performance include all tunes available in full band setting and select tunes from the following list (may vary by individuals present for a given performance):
- The Green Hills of Tyrol
- When The Battles O'er
- Bonnie Galloway
- Balmoral
- Brown Haired Maiden
- The Dark Isle
- The Skye Boat Song
If you have a tune that you would like to hear at your event that is not listed, please ask and one or more of our pipers may be able to play it.
Pipe Band Ranks
The SIPD follows regimental pipe and drum band rank structure with slight modification. We refer to Pipe Private as Piper and Drum Private as Drummer. The band is organized and run by the Pipe Major who is further assisted by the Drum Major and Pipe Sergeants.
Piper ranks: Piper, Pipe Corporal, Pipe Sergeant, Pipe Major
Drummer ranks: Drummer, Drum Corporal, Drum Sergeant, Drum Major