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Talk:Bobby Knight

From Bloomingpedia


OK, I stubbed it out. Can someone who knows about basketball finish the rest? I don't want to get firebombed by an angry fan. --Jkonrath 13:51, 23 June 2006 (EDT)

Article still needs a lot of work. - DB13

Fishing Teacher

OK, here's a random one I can find no information on in google.

There was a HPER class on fishing. Since HPER is now SPH, it still exists: SPH-I 106 BASIC FISHING TECHNIQUES.

Rumor had it that back in the day, Bobby Knight would teach one section of this class a year. I don't know if this is true, or if it's a requirement that coaches teach one class a year, but that was always the rumor.

I do know back in the early 90s, I would always check if this class was available, and it was always full, but I don't know if it said he was teaching it.

Anyone ever take this class? --Jkonrath (talk) 19:04, 24 May 2018 (EDT)