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The Game Preserve

From Bloomingpedia
The Game Preserve
Open Date: 1991
Address: College Mall Suite #108

Bloomington, IN

Phone: (812) 332-6602
Owner(s): Bill Lorton
Manager(s): Jessica Leach
Hours: 10am-9pm Mon-Sat
Sun: Noon-6pm
Closed Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving.


From the sidewalk of the old downtown location

The Game Preserve caters to a wide variety of entertainment styles. They stock a trove of role playing games, classic board games, and miniatures, as well as family games and puzzles. Games in progress can frequently be witnessed right in the store; one might even catch a demo of a new or upcomming release. Gamers of all disciplines can find something interesting.

The Game Preserve is a regional chain of game stores based out of Indianapolis. The first store opened in a house along Broadripple Avenue in Indianapolis on October 1st, 1980. They currently have five locations: in Indianapolis, West Lafayette and Bloomington.

Facilities and Events

They are located on the south end of the courthouse square in Fountain Square Mall right on Kirkwood. They also run a game room, also known as The Dungeon in the basement of Fountain Square, just to the right as you exit the glass elevator.

Magic: The Gathering tournaments are held regularly, as well as several other regularly scheduled gaming activites. Warhammer 40k is a popular game here, as well, and you can find a game every Friday down in The Dungeon. A whiteboard listing the weekly schedule can be found near the service counter, you may need to call in or walk by as the schedule regularly changes with regard to new or waning games. Popular games tend to have a stable day/time reserved on the schedule.

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