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University Elementary
1111 N Russell Rd Bloomington, IN 47408 812-330-7753
University Elementary School is one of the English as a New Language (ENL) magnet schools within MCCSC.
Trivia: University and Highland Park Elementary were built using the same plans, but their floorplans are not exactly identical.
University Elementary has been at its current North Russell Road location since about 1986; before then it was located in the complex at 10th Street and the 45, 46 Bypass that used to be a K-8 facility which was built in the mid 1950's. This is currently the home of UITS, the Marching Hundred and several other departments and groups.
Alice Oestreich was named principal in 1990. She had been principal at Broadview Elementary in the early 1980s and was administrative assistant to former Superintendent Harmon Baldwin in the mid-1980s. She taught at several Monroe County schools in the 1970s, and she was a teacher and librarian at University, Unionville Elementary and Templeton Elementary in the late 1980s. She replaced James Wade, who became principal at Rogers Elementary.