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Kaia is a Bloomington, Indiana-based a cappella vocal ensemble. Kaia performs world music, jazz, spirituals, original compositions, and an eclectic mix of other genres. Founded in 2004 by Cairril Adaire, the group now numbers nine women.
Kaia is not a touring group but has performed at a wide variety of local venues, including Farmer's Market, Second Story, and the Buskirk-Chumley. For the last several years they've mounted a major show as part of the Bloomington Area Arts Council Performing Arts Series. They've performed live on WFHB's Womenspace program and have been interviewed several times by WFIU.
The group's musical influences are diverse, reflecting the background of its members. Influences include musical theatre, alt-rock, classical, rap, folk, country, and pop. Members list individual influences as diverse as Judy Garland and Tupac Shakur. World music and a cappella influences are especially prevalent, including Libana, Zap Mama, Bulgarka, Rockapella, and Golem.
Kaia has issued one CD, "Kaia Live! Spring 2006," which it sells on its website along with other Kaia merchandise. The Kaia site also features extensive information on the Kaia repertoire, photos, information about upcoming and past shows, and quotes about music.
Kaia is known for its wide-ranging repertoire, the eclecticism of its sound, audience participation, and occasional outrageousness. Committed to breaking the "fourth wall" of performance space, Kaia uses a variety of techniques to change audience members into participants. Their tagline is "a cappella world music from the raucous to the sublime."
External links
- YouTube: Death Came a-Knockin'
- YouTube: Home By Barna
- YouTube: Arise
- YouTube: Step Back, Baby, Step Back/Chicka Hanka
- YouTube: Pastevecke Helokanie